Michelle Detmer riding Darlene Stevens mare Misty
Daunna Sellers riding SA Ferr Ronas Vega
Laura Spinette riding SA Gienah
Diann riding SA Ireesh Lullabye
Hello Shagya Enthusiasts,
Welcome to the NEW ASAV WEBSITE! and thank you for visiting. We have kept many of the old features in place for easy access, but have sharpened up the space with a modern color palate and mobile friendly features. Coming soon the registry will be updating our online ASAV studbook with more offspring and current pedigrees.
Just a reminder that all current results from shows, rides and events can be found on our Facebook Page by following the link on the right side. Members can post their results and events by sending information to Killian Dill <++++>.
“Shagyas - the Contemporary Arabian,” will be the new tagline for the ASAV’s webpage and future promotions. This new slogan was conceived by board member Kathy Papp. We feel this motto exemplifies the quality of the modern-horses that are registered within our association. Subsequently “consolidation of breed” a theme for many years in the USA, the ASAV Breeder’s now offer a contemporary and versatile horse that can withstand the rigors of training at the highest levels of competitive events.
Today, new owners can acquire a horse of great endurance and fine character lasting a lifetime in sport or pleasure. Shagya’s possessed a truly generous nature and highly select gene pool to meet the needs of today and future generations.
The ASAV offers an association where members enjoy their peers and can socialize at the yearly National Membership Meeting. In the past we have had educational and hands on clinics open to the public. ASAV meeting’s have featured prominent speakers including Tamas Rombauer, head of the Hungarian Arabian Horse Association (MALE), Hungary, Walter Huber, ISG-Germany. Jockey Patty Cooksey, Frank Bacony – Hungarian Hussar– CA. just to name a few. Past ASAV meeting pictures can be found by tabbing down in the Media Gallery.
With our new hyper link feature we will be able to add information more quickly and store archives on line for members and visitors alike to view often. This will make the site visually appealing and use friendly. Our great thanks goes out to Sam Smith the ASAV’s new webmaster for his expertise and solid concepts.
We hope your experience with the new webpage will be a positive one. If you have any suggestions or run into problems please let us know thru the Contact Us tab.
Best Regards,
Darlene Steven
ASAV President
Contact the ASAV:
Association corporate address: (NEW ADDRESS)
ASAV-American Shagya Arabian Verband
5750 Buckcreek Rd.
Finchville, Kentucky 40022 (USA)
ASAV Registrar or Treasurer
15918 Porter Road
Verona, Kentucky 41092 (USA)
ASAV Officers:
President: Darlene Steven (Corporate - office)
Vice President: Kilian Dill (Membership Chair)
Registrar: Daunna Sellers (Shagya Registry)
Treasurer: Elisha Morehead (Paypal - Financial)
District: Board of Directors (elected 2017 membership meeting)
The ASAV membership is divided into districts for Board of Director area representation. four districts:
Kilian Dill: <redwoodranch@gmail.com>
North District 1: New York, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Maine, Connecticut , Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan Rhode Island, Maryland, Delaware, Vermont, Massachusetts (18)
Kathy Papp <kpapp@fuse.net>
South District 2: Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama. Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi & West Virginia (10)
Julia Elias <azendurancerider@gmail.com>
Pacific District 3: Washington, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Colorado, Iowa, Oregon, Nebraska, Minnesota, Idaho Canada (11)
Potato Richardson <potato@jps.net>
West District 4: California, Arizona, Nevada, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Utah, Alaska, Hawaii Kansas Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, (12)
Founding Members:
Darlene Steven (ASAV@bellsout.net)
Daunna Sellers (sunarabs@gmail.com)
(Send all agenda items to ASAV@bellsouth.net thanks.)
ASAV Board of Director's Meeting
July 31st, 2018. 8pm eastern, 7pm central, 6pm mountain, 5pm pacific
Agenda idems due July 25th to ASAV@bellsouth.net
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Membership Meeting and Shagya Farm Tour day : September 14-16th, 2018
U of Ky Extension Shebly co. Farm Tour Day : September 15th, 2018 - 9-4 pm
Membership Meeting: Sunday, September 16th, 2018 . 10 am eastern.
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September 23rd, 2018
San-n-tone End of Summer Show
Shagya Halter class and 80 plus open performance class
Shelby Co. Fairgrounds, Shelbyville, Kentucky 40065
www.san-n-tone.com/Horse_Shows.html Entries Sandy Stewart 502-722-933
ASAV Distance Challenge - 25 and 50 mile trophies
Spook Run Ride and AHA Endurance Championships
October 26, 27,28th 2018 . Details
Clark State Forest, Henryville, In.
(owner or rider must be members, or horse registered with ASAV)
November 2018
San-n-tone Winter Series Show
Shelby Co. Fairgrounds, Shelbyville, Kentucky 40065
Shagya Halter Classes and 80 plus open & performance classes
www.san-n-tone.com/Horse_Shows.html Entries Sandy Stewart 502-722-9330
San-n-tone Winter Series Show Championship
Shagya Halter classes and 80 plus open & performance classes
www.san-n-tone.com/Horse_Shows.html Entries Sandy Stewart 502-722-9330
BAHA Spring Blast Show 14th Annual
Shelby Co. Fairgrounds, Shelbyville, Kentucky 40065
Shagya Halter for: Stallion- geldings, Mares and Supreme Halter Championship
www.bluegrassarabians.org Entries Lori Henderson 502-558-1874
Michelle Detmer riding Darlene Stevens mare Misty
Daunna Sellers riding SA Ferr Ronas Vega
Laura Spinette riding SA Gienah
Diann riding SA Ireesh Lullabye