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Last page update: 06/20/2011

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Date Posted: ASAV News/Headlines:
June, 19th, 2011 ASAV Special Board Meeting, Sunday June 19th, 2011

The "ASAV Membership Voter Rights Amendment/Initiative of 2011".
Membership rights to vote on amendments.

This is a member's participation (listen only) meeting.

6 PM west coast
7 PM mountain
8 PM central
9 PM east coast

Phone: +1 (712) 432-3100 Code: 732921
May, 13th, 2011 ASAV-Marketing:
ASAV has purchased a "Patronage Package" for the 2011 Pacific Coast Sport Horse Classic to be held in Northern California, in order to further promote the Shagya-Arabian breed and ASAV as "THE" registry for Shagya-Arabians in North America. ASAV will also be promoted at other events of the "California Nevada Arabian Sport Horse Association" 
ASAV aims to be #1 in the marketing and promotion of Shagyas in the USA and Internationally.
May, 9th, 2011 PayPal now available!
ASAV is the first to move into the electronic age. Within the next few days all ASAV fee based services & merchandise will be available through our web-site with the option to be paid via PayPal or via Credit Card. Yes, one can pay their membership this way!
May, 2nd, 2011 ASAV Marketing Update:
ASAV will have a booth/table space at the 2011 Sport Horse Nationals at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, KY!
April, 30th, 2011 Update on ASAV Awards Program:
1. The ASAV annual membership fee includes the fees for one horse in the annual award program (a $10 value).
2.  Each additional horse nominated in the annual ASAV awards program is $10 per year.
3. In order to have a horse nominated in the ASAV awards program you have to be a current member of ASAV and send the nomination form to the awards chairperson noted on the form.
4. In order to have your results count towards the ASAV awards program you need to sign up your horse for the ASAV awards program no later than 4 weeks past the first result to be counted/considered for the awards program. Results/accomplishments, which go back more than 4 weeks prior of signing up to the awards program cannot be considered for the awards program.
March, 17th, 2011 Message from the President: ASAV Newsletter 2011 Spring Edition
The Spring Newsletter has now been posted on our website. Once again, a great international edition. Material for the Summer edition is now being accepted; this edition will feature our National meeting in Morgan Hill, CA. Carolyn Tucker tells us that a large batch of authentic Hungarian Goulash will be prepared for all that come. ASAV Board of Directors has kept the cost for the affair to $20/person (all weekend). This includes food, refreshments, entertainment and the cost of the speaker.
March, 2nd, 2011 Message from the President: ASAV Annual Meeting 2011
A flyer has been placed on the ASAV website announcing our annual meeting. It will be held on the weekend of April 30th at Amara Farms in Morgan Hill, California. Amara Farms is owned by Carolyn Tucker and it is the home of Oman. Becky Hart will be one of our featured speakers. Becky is Chef d'Equipe Team USA Endurance. The well known international endurance rider Jeremy Reynolds will hold a clinic. The California Hussar Regiment will perform for us. The agenda continues to evolve and the final agenda will be posted on our website. Mark your calendars.
February, 27th, 2011 Message from the President: ASAV Awards
The 2010 award winner for the AERC High Mileage and High Point award is Kristen Camper riding Lilly Creek Dancin. The award will be presented at the American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC) National meeting, which is to be held in Reno, Nevada this coming weekend. Don't forget to nominate your horse for the 2011 awards. Once again ASAV is a proud Silver Sponsor of AERC. Because of our significant contribution, we will be mentioned in every newsletter they publish, our name will appear on screen at the banquet, and our name will be listed on their banquet menu.
January, 25th, 2011 Update from the President:
Pictures of the ASAV booth and report for the PNER convention held in Portland, Oregon on January 21-23 are now available on the ASAV website. The meeting was great and the interest in Shagyas was tremendous.
We will now focus on the upcoming event in Reno (AERC meeting) next month.
A reminder about the ASAV National meeting--it is approaching. It will be held at Amara Farms in Morgan Hill, CA. Guest speaker will be Becky Hart (Team USA Chef d'Equipe). Mark your calendars for the end of April.
Please send in your material for our next newsletter (March). We are slowly placing items into the outline of the Spring issue. It looks to be another great issue.
December, 23rd, 2010 ASAV Holiday Newsletter 2010:
The Holiday Newsletter (on O'Bajan) has been published and printed. It was mailed 12/23 and is on its way to our membership. Happy Holidays from the ASAV BOD and enjoy the reading. We are also collecting articles for the ASAV Spring Newsletter. Once again it looks to be spectacular. There is still plenty of time to send in your material; quite a few stories have already been included, as they were left over from the Fall.
December, 20th, 2010 ASAV Jump-Start Program 2010:
The stallion promotion has been very successful in the past so the ASAV board of directors have voted to offer it one more time. Several mare owners have taken advantage of this special promotion since it was incorporated. Donna Coss is in the process of preparing the advertising for this promotion and would like to include as many stallions as possible. The terms are simple, you must be an ASAV member and your stallion must be in our stud book. If you would like your stallion included in this promotion, please contact Daunna Sellers, our registrar. Her e-mail address is: There is a very short timeline, as we plan to begin the advertising in January. All photos, up to six, and the ad copy must reach Donna Coss by January 7th. If you have questions, please contact Donna Coss at: 
December, 12th, 2010 ASAV at PNER 2011:
ASAV will have a Promotional Booth at the Pacific Northwest Endurance Ride (PNER) conference that will be held on January 21-23 at the Portland Airport (Embassy Suites). We will hand out brochures and farm flyers pertaining to the Shagya Arabian Horse. ASAV will also aid PNER in their ride efforts next season by partaking in their raffle. ASAV will donate such items as horsey jewelry, selections of wine and a Shagya breeding.  All this is made possible without funds from the ASAV treasury.
December, 10th, 2010 ASAV new Membership Fees in 2011:
Starting 2011 the new annual membership fee is $35. Members, who send in their membership on or before 02/15 will receive a $10 reducing the membership fee to $25. The new annual membership fee includes a nomination for one of your Shagyas to the ASAV awards program for that year (a $10 value).
Remember: Only members in good standing who have paid their membership fee on or before 02/15 are eligible to vote during that year.
December, 2nd, 2010 ASAV Studbook:
One of the items we are selling under the merchandise list on our web site is the ASAV Stud Book. An updated printing is currently in progress. There has been demand for our stud book by organizations, both is Europe and the USA. ASAV Studbook with 250+ pages of colored pedigrees and pictures white 3-hole binder, which allows you add new pedigrees as new Shagyas are registered with ASAV $38 (plus shipping and handling).
November, 27th, 2010 ASAV Judging Clinic receives International Recognition:
The ASAV Judging Clinic/WEG 2010 report has been referenced by the Swedish Shagya-Araber organization on their web site. 
November, 22nd, 2010 Update from the ASAV President Kilian Dill:
ASAV is presently compiling and formatting the Holiday newsletter. This is a special edition and we anticipate having it printed by mid December. A hard copy will be sent out to members. The focal point of this newsletter will be a 12 page article on "O'Bajan, the Majestic Black Stallion Who Passed Away a Hundred Years Ago (Survey of the O'Bajan Sire Lines)". The article was written by Dr. Shasa Gornic (Animal/Med Veterinary Hospital, Budapest) and Dr. Ildiko Mohammed-Ziegler (also of Hungary). We continue to received excellent international material to be published and we disseminate our newsletter throughout the world. Please make sure we have your correct address as a hard copy will be sent out to members. We have material left over for the Spring Newsletter; additionally, we welcome any material you would love to see published. Special thanks goes to our Newsletter Coordinator, Karla Kerekes of Colorado, who is an ASAV life-time member.
November, 16th, 2010 Qatar News:
American and ASAV member Ellen Rapp is First American and Female to Win Endurance Race 
From Face Book excerpts from Jeremy Olson and Ellen Rap: It was the start of the endurance racing season in the middle east. Ellen riding Ireesh Tenor, won the gold. Fantastic job Ellen, Jeremy, Ireesh and Daunna Sellers.
October, 15th, 2010 Outlook 2011:
Two of our events scheduled for 2011 are starting to crystallize.
[1] The ASAV National Distance Challenge Cup ride will take place in conjunction with the AERC/AHA/FEI ride at Fort Howes in southeastern Montana. The date, according to the AERC calendar, is June 11th. More details will follow in our winter or spring newsletter.
[2] The 2011 ASAV National Meeting will be held around April at Amara Farms in Morgan Hill, California. Amara farms is owned by Carolyn Tucker and is the home of Oman (he is buried on the farm). The exact date and details will be announced later.
October, 12th, 2010 ASAV Merchandise:
Check out the ASAV Web Site. They have a host of NEW items for sale under merchandise. They include hats, signs, saddle pads with logos, etc. The items can be produced one at a time without cost increases---no need for bulk purchases or for ASAV to stockpile.
October, 7th, 2010 ASAV Judging Clinic:
The ASAV Judging Clinic held a few weeks ago is now available "in pictures" on the ASAV web site. There are 8 pages of pictures. In case you could not attend, this will give you a glimpse of what transpired.
September, 29th, 2010 Update from the ASAV President Kilian Dill:
In conjunction with the Judging Clinic held this past week, ASAV held a BOD meeting. Several significant pieces of information arose from that meeting. First of all, ASAV will match or exceed the financial goals set forth in the Spring Meeting (see newsletter). The bank accounts now show well over $6,000 has been accumulated. We anticipate ending the year with $7,000 to $7,500 in reserves. Our goals will be set higher for the coming year. At the meeting ASAV unveiled their new lines of promotional merchandise. I am glad to say we effectively "sold out" at the meeting. The items will go on sale shortly on our web site. During the Judging Clinic weekend, ASAV we had a number of new members join and several renewals--these included payments for life time memberships. Thank you all in joining our efforts! The BOD voted to have the ASAV Challenge Cup ride in Montana next year. Arrangements are being finalized with the ride managers (AHA, AERC, FEI sanctioned?). We agreed to have the National Meeting in the SF Bay area next year (April-May time frame). Details will emerge in the next few months.
September, 3rd, 2010 ASAV Judging Clinic Agenda:
The ASAV Judging Clinic Agenda is now available and can be downloaded here: AGENDA
August, 31st, 2010 ASAV Membership Status with ISG - Update:
ISG - the "Internationale Shagya-Araber Gesellschaft" has accepted ASAV's application in order to become a member of ISG. Currently the ASAV Corporate Documents and the ASAV Studbook are reviewed by ISG. ASAV is looking forward to the next ISG delegates meeting in 2011 in order to receive full membership status.
July, 31st, 2010 Update from the ASAV-BOD:
The ASAV BOD had a meeting end of June to discuss the latest information Denis Atam brought back from the ISG-Delegates Meeting in Stadl-Paura. The Board of Directors were all in favor and made an unanimous decision to submit a membership application to ISG. Based on the recent changes to the ISG by-laws it is possible now that more than one association per country can become ISG member. The Board of Directors will keep the ASAV membership informed about any updates in that matter. More information about the ISG delegates meeting can be found in the Summer Edition of the 2010 ASAV Newsletter.

ASAV Awards & Performance Program:
The ASAV Registrar records any performance related information of ASAV registered horses. This practice has been in place for many years and is kept up-to-date in the ASAV registry. Performance related accomplishments will count towards ISG performance requirements for Shagya breeding stock according to the RZBO (ISG-General Rules and Studbook Regulations).
In addition ASAV gives away each year Awards to horse participating in the ASAV Award Program.
May, 8th, 2010 ASAV Annual Membership Meeting Update:
Congratulations to the following re-elected and new ASAV BOD members:
   Region 1 North: Donna Coss
   Region 2 South: Valerie Bullock
   Region 3 Pacific: Kilian Dill
   Region 4 West: Carolyn Tucker
The meeting protocol of the 2010 annual ASAV membership meeting be posted once the meeting minutes are finalized.
April, 21st, 2010 Message from the ASAV President Kilian Dill: Learner Judge Denis Atam
That Denis Atam (ASAV BOD member) has been invited and accepted an invitation to act as learner judge at the ISG Delegates/Shagya Championship event to be held in Austria on June 12th and 13th. Congratulations Denis, as he will soon be a full-fledged ISG judge.
April, 19th, 2010 Message from the ASAV President Kilian Dill: ASAV Judging Clinic WEG2010
Most of you should have received your membership letter by now. If not, it should arrive shortly. Within that letter are given details concerning our upcoming elections, the next National Shagya Distance Challenge endurance race and our two-part National meeting. The next newsletter will give more details. The second part of our National meeting will be held concomitant with the WEG Games in Kentucky. Our meeting is September 26, 26, 27 at the farm of Darlene Stevens. Dr. Walter Huber, a long time highly respected Shagya breeder and an ISG certified judge will be giving a Shagya Judging Clinic during the days of our meeting. It will be a formal clinic on the correct judging of the Shagya horse. The clinic is sponsored by ASAV. Auditors may attend and the non-member public is welcome. Full certification fee for the clinic is $50.00.
April, 17th, 2010 Message from the ASAV President Kilian Dill: Jump-Start-Program & Spring Newsletter
The ASAV-BOD would like to thank all who have participated, so far, in the 2010 Jump Start Breeding Program. Once again, the program is a success as it has managed to recover funds spent on a multi-prong international advertisement initiative. The additional funds will be spent on programs to advance the Shagya breed and aid ASAV in the development of new organizational endeavors. The Jump Start Program is still ongoing, so it there is still time to participate. Please check out are website and PARTICIPATE!

We anticipate the release of the Spring newsletter late next week. Within that newsletter, we have decided to place a detailed agenda for the social portion (clinics, etc.) of our National Meeting in September. You will be please by the program that has been assembled. Special thanks go to Denis Atam for setting it up and to Darlene Stevens for hosting the international affair.
March, 30th, 2010 ASAV Award Program Update:
The ASAV gives two breed awards at the AERC convention to a Shagya bred horse competing at AERC distance rides. A high mileage award counting both LD and Endurance miles and a high point award. One horse won both this year, MJL Olivia owned and ridden by Monique Vincent. Other Shagya bred and ASAV registered horses competing in AERC distance riding in 2009 were: KS Rubin, SA Te Jat, SA Belshazzar, SA Edashick, SA Ireesh Tenor, SA Keid, SA Ferr Rona's Vega, WineGlass Debonair, WineGlass Dominus, Rennaissance, Lily Creek Stetson, Lily Creek Dancin, and Lily Creek Nobelest. ASAV recognizes any Shagya bred horse that completes a 100 mile ride in one day. They join the HMSS Elite (Hundred Mile Shagya Society, . Previous inductees are: Janos, SW Omega, SMR Fayette De Cameo, SMR Garcon, SMR Zoltan, and Piatti +/. For 2009 MJL Olivia is inducted The 2009 Just Do It competing horses are: Adara, Thea and Isis. Awards for ASAV 2009 nominated horses will be awarded at the ASAV dinner at the WEG in Lexington, dinner date to be announced on the ASAV website.
January, 27th, 2010 ASAV-Newsletter:
ASAV has achieved a level of excellence in a relatively short time. As we move into 2010, we are looking for ways to be more effective and efficient with projects that need to be completed by our volunteers. Our quarterly newsletter, which in the past primarily has been compiled and published by Daunna Sellers. In the last few years, Donna Coss took over the work load.

The newsletter will now be administered by a committee, who I have recently appointed to do the job. The newsletter will have deadlines and publications dates that will be posted on the website well in advance so material can be gathered, edited, and prepared in a consistent manner. Our newsletter is being read and distributed Internationally, and ASAV is very excited about this. ASAV are striving to be the best in all areas of the Shagya world and the newsletter is representative of our efforts. It can be downloaded and printed to use as a handout for those who are interested in what we do and who we are.

All newsletter submissions and ad copy need to be sent to:

All pictures need to be send in jpg form. We will keep the newsletter around 16 pages. If you wish to submit an article for consideration please keep it around 1,200 words. We would also like to keep the font consistent and ask that you use aerial. All submissions need to be Word.doc friendly, in order to make our job easier.

The deadline for the April issue is March 31, 2010. We already have a interesting and almost full line-up for the upcoming April news, so get your information in soon.
Thank you, Kilian Dill, President ASAV
January, 11th, 2010 ASAV Breed Award:
ASAV will sponsor the Breed Award for Shagya-Arabians at the North American Trail Ride Conference (NATRC). This is in addition to the AERC Shagya-Arabian high mileage award that ASAV has given over the past few years. Both will be given at the AERC convention, which will be held in Reno, Nevada this year (end of February 2010). NATRC has nominated a winner for 2009 (Eric Nelson and his stallion Max). Because the convention will be held very shortly, we accept the nominee provided by NATRC (Congrats to Eric). For 2010, we will compile points and take ride reports within ASAV. Look for details on the ASAV web site---coming shortly.
January, 11th, 2010 Video-Clip about ASAV 2009 Annual Membership Meeting:
American Shagya Arabian Verband (ASAV) annual meeting. Every year ASAV has an annual meeting in the eastern or the western United States. In 2009, the meeting was held in the high desert of Oregon, east of the Cascade mountains. Doug and Karen Bish were kind enough to host the meeting at the Hawkview ranch in Bend, Oregon. The meeting contains clinics, exhibits, demonstrations and invited speakers; some of these speakers are from outside of North America. This year Dr. Maren Engelhardt of east Prussia (Trakehners International) was kind enough to accept our invitation and provide the plenary lecture. A video of the annual meeting is posted on the ASAV web site and can be viewed at:
Also see a demonstration by the First California Hussar Regiment charge---re-enacted by Frank Bakonyi.
January, 9th, 2010 ASAV Newsletter Spring 2010 Edition:
Submission deadline for articles and advertisements is March 31st, 2010. The publication date is targeted for April 15th.
Please send your content from now on to:
January, 9th, 2010 Update from the ASAV President Kilian Dill (--> Shagya-Forum Posting):

For those of you who speak Norwegian, the ASAV newsletter is even posted on the Norwegian web-site:
ASAV is getting more and more attention and recognition internationally and is on its way to become the primary English speaking Global Shagya platform.
Our August Newsletter was viewed/downloaded over 2500 times and the Jump-Start program 2009 even over 4300 times – those numbers just speak for themselves.
The next release of our newsletter (April 2010) is already in progress and will again contain lots of interesting information for the domestic and international Shagya community.
January, 7th, 2010 ASAV Newsletter Winter 2009/2010 is linked and also available on the following web-sites:
www.Endurance.NET ---> see bitmap01 & bitmap02          ---> see bitmap
January, 5th, 2010 ASAV Shagya Jump-Start Program 2010 launched - check the Jump-Start Program page for details.
January, 4th, 2010 ASAV Newsletter Winter 2009/2010 Edition available now here ...