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2008 Lincoln Trail Ride (by Daunna Sellers)
Last page update: 04/11/2009

Impressive presentation of a group of Shagyas all related to Bayram!
Jeremy Olson, Elisha Morehead, Marty Powers, Daunna Sellers

McKinzie Flanagan with SA Ireesh Tenor a 6 yr old gelding (Bayram x Ireesh Lullaby ox) Reserve Champion

Jeremy Olson with SA Belshazzar receiving the ASAV National Shagya Distance Challenge Cup from Darlene Steven (Founding Member ASAV).

Chris & Mart Powers - getting ready for the next vet-check on Te Jat & Debonair

Daunna Sellers taking care of SA Ferr Rona's Vega & SA Keid