Kentucky Shagya Arabian Horse Association (KySAHA)
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The Kentucky Shagya Arabian Horse Association (KySAHA), a Kentucky Chapter of the American Shagya Arabian Verband (ASAV), is put together from owners of Shagya horses that wish to take part in the Kentucky Breed Incentive Fund. This fund rewards owners and breeders for have horses that were born and bred in Kentucky.
Many organizations such as the Quarter Horses, Paints, and Morgans already participate, earning thousands of dollars for their horses success.
The Shagya will now have this opportunity. KySAHA will reward points based on performance in open show classes, as well as endurance and competitive trail. Your horse must be registered, (small one time
fee) and you, as the owner, must be a current member in good standing with the KySAHA. Each point translates to dollars to be paid 70% to the owner, 15% to the nominated breeder, 15% to the nominated stallion owner/leaser. This is a wonderful opportunity to actually earn some money for these pets that we call a business.